^That's not the best of my headlines, but let's go with that since every blog need to have a tacky headline at some point. Last week we spent Midsummer on Finland, which is almost as big of an party here as Christmas. For one weekend people will go crazy with barbecue, bonfires and sauna, and spend time with family and friends. Midsummer is probably the only traditional holiday during the summer of Finland.
I spent my Midsummer in Kokkola with my parents & little brother. The place was really nice, and it didn't even matter that we had to drive about five hours to make it to the place, where we had our cottage ! The place that we stayed was Kokkola Camping, quite near the center of the town. Our cabin was a bit of a disappointment since there was only about 35 square foot of space, but luckily most of my co-travelers stayed positive and made my trip a some-sort-of experience :)
But let's go on with the photos!
This was a reeeeally high culmen on our way to Kokkola! The distance between the top and bottom was apprx. 400 meter, and the hill was also really abrupt to climb up :D
We had some ducks wandering around our cabin almost the entire time! They we're as cute as little kittens.
... and got really close if they found out you had snack with you :D
This door of the grill-cottage looked like a Hobbit-door!
These hobbit trees could be found at our frontyard! It felt so nice to sit beneath them in rainy weather and listen to the sound of raindrops.
... But then, a few pictured of our cabin. I think they speak more than I can tell, so just spend a few minutes with these photos and listen, what they have to say.
in the end, me and my little brother acting like the coolest dudes of the universe. #She-Man and the Mistresses of the Universe.
Now I've had a few days to recover from the trip, and I'll be heading back to work - but not for more than three days, and then my job will end and summer-holiday will begin for the fullest!
What did you people you at your Midsummer? :)
week me and my friend Iida decided to try, what it'd be like to live
one day totally without Internet-connection and mobile phone. To me
the challenge was quite big, since on the summer holiday I've gotten
used to spending lots of time by watching series online, chatting in
Skype and scrolling over news medias. On the other hand, life
without phone wasn't that hard since most of the people that contact
me regularly were aware of my "one-human-revolution".
a nutshell my day contained reading, writing, meeting my grandmother
in the assisted living building, visiting library and heating up the sauna! I
warmed sauna by myself for the first time last weekend, and I STILL
feel like a alpha-male because of that :D I bet you all know what
sauna is - it's that awkward small, very hot cabin where it is very
hard to breathe or think of nothing else but fresh exhaustion!
^ How Japanese see Finnish.
While writing this entry I've been jamming with music, which reminds me about one of the worst things during this challenge - no music with transport! Usually I listen to music
almost 23/6, so now that all the music was in the phone (as my loyal
MP3-player crashed down last April after a 7-year-companionship), I felt
quite... normal and lame because I didn't have my personal
"soundtrack" with me. Luckily I had the chance to listen to
the music from my PC in the evening, since our challenge didn't forbid the use of computer!
me this challenge proved, that nowadays a regular, on-going citizen
with average social skills and a broad interest towards the changing
world etc., blablabla, can deal for one day without Internet if he/she has other things to keep her/himself busy with! I suggest that
everyone that reads this post, tries to shut down the mobile phone
and Internet just for one day, just to see how will they manage :)
you never know, what comes to your mind when you don't spend your
every free minute by checking, if someone has poked you on Facebook
or sent game request from Candy Crush Saga.
(Greeting from the girl,
who found herself reading a book in the sauna for about 45 minutes in
the temperature of 80 celsius-degrees :D)
A post from my Midsummer- trip to Kokkola will shortly arrive!
Greeting from the middle of nowhere! This post will be super-short since I don't have much to say - I think most of the things I've been doing lately include work, writing, work, food and more writing :D I've spent reeeally much time with myself, but still haven't got bored of my own company even though I speak with myself most of the time so that I don't feel too lonely.
I know these foodphotos are a real pain in the social media's ass, but so am I. In this you can see some berry-kissel, Bulgarian yoghurt and millet-porridge, my regular breakfast nowadays! I've eaten so much kissel for these last days that it probably pours out of my ears some day, but as long as it tasted great I won't stop loving (and devouring it).
And here's some kissel with ice-cream. As you can see, the food is very convertible :D
In the writing area I've been doind critics from books, movies and other cultural things (btw, if you're Finnish you should check out my other blog Let's get Cynical!) And yeah, this was a almost-accidental selca :D
And then I found some old photos from my grandmas cupboards <3 In these pictures I'm probably about 3-4 years old. I really love-hate the fact that me and my brother have the same kind of trousers...
"Big bro ate my bun. Meep." (That's be sitting on the right side, the other one is by BB :D)
Kawaii desu, neee?
... and again the sadface.
My favourite of the pack - me as a little child, trying to take care of the household!
In the pastime I also tried to revive my drawing skills, and started by drawing some Terra E- original art from a ref-picture :D The results are still unfinished, but here's some sneak a peak to what I managed to sketch last evening.
More pics coming soon! (I facepalm to the hand of Jomy {the one on the right}. Such thin thing!)
This weekend my contemporarily-alone-time will end for a while, since I'm travelling to Kokkola for the Midsummer with my parents and little brother! I'm trying to get loads of pictures from my trip so that this blog won't die :D
I think the heatwave has destroyed most of my skill to think and analyze things, but hopefully these pictures are enough to tell you about my first summer-week! I've been working as a personal caretaker of my grandmother at Hankasalmi station (a place in between no-man's-land and middle-of-nowhere), and most of the time I've spent by reading, watching silly anime and random YouTube-thingies. It's been really weird to have some much pastime in my hands !
But on with the pictures, like I promised.
In the beginning of the month I made some soyballs by the recipe I got from my friends blog (which you can see by clicking here! The blog is mostly in Finnish, but I'm pretty sure neither me or my friend can write the recipe in English also, if needed :) ) The soyballs tasted much better than they looked... My friend made these for my birthday-party last month, and I solemnly swear this is one of the best soy-foods I've ever eaten.
And even my cat loved me when I made these. Cats <3 creme
More food - pizza I made with my parents! P.S. I put some zucchini on my own pizzas, and blimey, it was goooood.
I've also spent lots of time with hairy dudes. I mean doges. I mean dogs.
Okay lets have one doge because summer.
"Wow such water! Many wet, much cold!"
This weekend I went on a summer cottage of a friend of mine and his uncle had his lovely Milli-dog with him :3
Although I have been spending a lot of time by myself lately (since I'm quite far away from most of my friends + family), I've had lots of fun via Skype, Facebook and face to face, also!
We've been having a semi-epic poking-battle on Facebook with a friend of mine, and last week we reached the check-point of 100 pokes! I know, we seem to enjoy the little things a bit too much since because of this my friend made this magnificent and unique "motivational poster" to cheer us towards the next, 200-pokes-check-point :D The artist wanted to stay anonymous, but let's say that he is a well-respected and bohemic artist with great visual sense. Even though his grammar is - let's say - a bit cranked.
Like I said, I also went to my friend's summer cottage that locates somewhere in the Puula-lake, and had reeeeally funny times over there! Although this picture might look like we're having a some kinf of spiritual convention, that's not what actually happened; we just wanted to play a game called Changing Labyrinth in a exciting atmosphere!
And I think those were the main things that occurred this week. Next time I will try to put more pictures of my cat and sceneries of summer, since I looove Finnish summer veery much :)(Gosh, I gotta get rid of those stupid loooooong words. They make me look like a troll.)