torstai 29. toukokuuta 2014

The Script of Summer

Hello everybody, and welcome to my summer-blog of summer 2014! Since this might be the last summer that I can spend quite randomly and mess around in a relaxed mode (most of the time), I thought I'd capture most of my summer and share it via my blog :) Most of the posts will only consist of pictures, so that you don't have to spend too much time by thinking what on earth I am blabbering about. (Since I seem to have the talent - or more precisely, urge - of blabbering, both in real life and in textual format !)

My summer holiday just began today (or actually I still should write a report of my time as a working trainee, but NEVER MIND), so I don't have that much of pictures to share with you. But here's a few that give you some clues about what I might talk about this summer!

Such freinds!! I mean friends.

Fooood! Fooood! More foood!


Photobombs from nature :3

...and more photobombs from nature!

More food. Nasty food.

And moaaaaar animals!

And since we can never have enough of them - more friends!

I really hope you enjoy my blog and get inspiration and happy thoughts, rainbows and unicorns to your life :)

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